above and beyond

Today more than ever producing a quality product at a fair price is essentially the point of entry for foodservice suppliers. An extremely diminished customer base in conjunction with reduced menu items, the competition for sales in all sectors is immense and intense.

Covid has certainly created chaos, but from chaos comes opportunity. The industry has been disrupted so now is the time to think different, think about innovative strategies to support the operator.

How can suppliers support existing customers, gain new customers and in turn grow sales?

Beyond the traditional rebates, discounts and staff incentive programs, suppliers must develop innovative and new strategies for the “new norm”. They must thoroughly examine the state of the industry and their clients, then based on the industry’s most urgent needs, challenge themselves to think out of the box, think beyond the product. Suppliers must ask themselves…

•  How can we help improve the guest experience?

• What can we do to support employee confidence in the foodservice industry?

• How can we lend our technology to drive more guest traffic?

• Are there any cross-pollination opportunities with the retail division?

• Is there any innovation or strategies from other industries that we can leverage?

• How can we stay customer focused in a forever changing landscape?

Today suppliers must perceive themselves as partners with each of their customers. Imagine yourself as an owner-think about what and how you can resolve many of the challenges, the opportunities to improve your store and the ailing industry. The outcome of the ideas generated will not only set you apart from the competition but will certainly cultivate customer loyalty and positively enhance volume and sales.

Stir’s disruptive and different thinking is how we can be a valued experienced resource for suppliers to leverage. It’s not about the product, it’s about developing game-changing strategies that go above and beyond the norm… to lead the new norm.

Scott Moore, President of Stir Creative Communication Inc., has been helping foodservice and hospitality suppliers and operators increase sales for over 30 years. For innovative and revenue-increasing programs, marketing and promotional campaigns and much more, contact Scott at 905-484-3094, scott@stircommunications.ca, or visit www.stircommunications.ca.