There is a classic scene in the movie, The Princess Bride, where Billy Crystal aka Miracle Max wishes Westly, and his two companions to “HAVE FUN STORMING THE CASTLE!”, as they all set out to help rescue his true love Princess Buttercup from Prince Humperdinck.

So, why am I citing a satirical line from a movie in a LinkedIn article? Well, it’s been my career [and in some ways my life] motto. Life is short and work consumes many, many hours-so make it the best, have fun, and most importantly love what you do. And since my children began school, I would voice to them every morning as they walked out the door “Have fun storming the castle!

I learned at a very young age when I started working for Kelsey’s along with the many teammates lead by Paul Jeffery, that each and all honestly loved what they were doing. They had a passion, an energy, a positive attitude that I gravitated towards and have never wavered to this day. Sure, we all have those *#@$! type of days, and foodservice has been in turmoil since 2020, but there is nothing else I would rather do than what I have been working at my entire career.

To be transparent my business has suffered, like the foodservice industry, and several associates had suggested I change [pivot was a big word] my focus, my field as the understanding of branding, strategy and design skillset could be applied to many other industries.

From a practical perspective it makes sense, BUT from a passionate perspective it goes against what I always believed - Love What You Do. Do What You Love.

Foodservice is about people, not a product. It is an industry like no other, one that has heart, passion, perseverance and always a positive attitude. And now in its worst of times, how can I turn my back and walk away from something I truly love? And to cite another classic line for the same movie, “There is nothing more noble than true love.”

Unfortunately, there is no miracle pill to help rescue foodservice, but if there is anything I can do to help the many operators and suppliers, I certainly can concoct an effective and experienced remedy.


Scott Moore, President of Stir Creative Communication Inc., has been helping foodservice and hospitality suppliers and operators increase sales for over 30 years. For innovative and revenue-increasing programs, marketing and promotional campaigns and much more, contact Scott at 905-484-3094, scott@stircommunications.ca, or visit www.stircommunications.ca.